Why “Self Help for Men” Without Jesus Christ is a Bad Idea!

If you stand for nothing, you’ll fall for anything!”

Matthew 10:32:So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven…”

What guy doesn’t love an adventure!?

• I was an Airline Pilot • Flew jets • Raced motorcycles in the Baja 1000 • Ran the Dipsea race on Mt. Tam • Got a few black t-shirts • Did a round the world spiritual adventure • Sitting at the foot of gurus in the Himalayas • That kind of stuff.

Not as exciting as some guys, but not bad.

Problem was, it was all about me.

What’s wrong with that; that’s what we do, right?

I used self-help for most of my life, thinking I knew the answers

I even taught it to my clients when I was a psychotherapist

“Self-help” put me in and out of a few marriages

It helped me lose a ton of money through bad investments

I didn’t need help because self-help made me smart enough

Bad thinking…

If you met me, I didn’t look like a “loser.”

But I worked hard perfecting the “look.”

Self-confident, successful, “in control.”

Underneath the “look” was fear, insecurity, pain.

You’ve heard the phrase, “It takes a village to raise a child.”

In my case “It took God’s Son, Jesus Christ, to take an immature, arrogant guy and turn him into a real man!”

And find me a beautiful wife without even trying!

10 Things to Do to Turn Your Life Into a Full-Time Adventure!

  1. Scrap the idea of self-help.
  2. Seek out a man who you respect.
  3. A good-hearted, emotionally strong, peaceful man
  4. Preferably older and wiser
  5. Make sure he’s a believer in Jesus Christ
  6. Park your ego and ask him for help
  7. Ask him how Christ impacted his life
  8. With those answers, ask him how to change your life
  9. Have him mentor you
  10. Be ready to have your life turned upside down!

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